Running Our Single Parent Families More Efficiently, A Thought

We’ve been a family of three for a year!

Time flies when you’re covering new territory.  I’ve been breaking ground in lots of new areas, some exciting and some scary to be honest.  Because of that I’ve taken some time away from things to focus on what I value most.  (Even still I feel like I’m being pulled in a million directions)  When you’re single mom you wear a lot of hats I don’t think there is anything more disheartening then feeling like you can’t give 100% to each role, or worse you’re not being successful at anything!

I’m not necessarily advocating a family should be run like a business, but hear me out. 

Recently I had an associate take some time off, and they have a big role to fill.  I think they were more stressed about what would happen in their absence than we were.  The truth is in business no one should be so important that if they have to step away things won’t run smoothly.  A good leader has a team and people in place that they trust and have confidence in to manage tasks in their absence.  If everything crumbles when you’re not there, then YOU’RE doing something wrong and holding onto control for whatever reason you need to relinquish. It’s time to do some soul searching here!

As a single parent I think it’s important to celebrate the accomplishment of keeping it all together, but it’s not a requirement!  In fact, I’ve been feeling like it’s reckless to put all that responsibility and decision making on one individual.  I thought it was just my calling, but even though I’m capable I’m still fallible!   Without other input, opinion, diversity, how can you make the best decision 100% of the time?  You can’t!  When you feel alone and like you have no help, that’s a scary realization.  Especially when you want the best possible outcome for your kids.  

I’ve been challenged to accept I’m not supposed to do it alone.  It’s ok to ask for help, it’s ok to take time for myself, and in fact making it a priority to find that support system is necessary for success!

There will always be times you feel overwhelmed as a parent.  That’s a fact, not a sign you’re doing something wrong.  Instead of letting it get you down, look at it as an opportunity to take inventory and fine tune the systems and processes you have in place.  What may have worked in the past might not be serving you anymore.  You may like me need to find others you can reach out to for advice and support.  Because let’s face it; it’s never going to calm down.  There will always be new challenges and fresh territory.  That just comes with growth, so don’t be tripping my loves, you aren’t done leveling up yet!