How I Am Managing This Mass Psychosis War

Let me start with the definition:

A mass psychosis is “an epidemic of madness” that occurs when a “large portion of society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions.” The results are always devastating.

In a situation like this, acknowledging what we are dealing with is the first step to actually fighting it and staying strong. The hardest part for me has been making a concerted effort to change what I watch, talk about and actively ignoring the poisoning of propaganda around me. This is no easy feat, but it requires me to deal with a wave of emotions around staying informed but not becoming obsessed.

I haven’t had many places to share the impact of this because I have noticed a group-think mentality that has pinned me as “crazy” for not following the narrative. This has resulted in me having to internalize many of my feelings or sharing with my partner who is “waking up”.

I have old bosses who would call me a scholar because yes I spend my time with my nose in the books. I hoard information and resources as a way to stay informed and to keep my family and myself safe and okay. I have purchased books to understand psychology, manipulation and control. Not because I would ever expect it to be happening on the scale it is happening on now, but because it was occurring in my prior relationships.

The best way to protect yourself from something is to get familiar with it and understand from all angles as to be able to recognize the signs early enough. Knowledge truly is power. If I wouldn’t let it happen in my relationship, why would I let it happen any other way?

The problem we are facing today is there is almost no escaping it. What if I told you, you have the key? When you are trying to be controlled the best thing you can do is to control yourself and your mind. It is absolutely true for many; we have had to be coerced to the point of losing our job and livelihood to provide and have had to become proactive and creative while trying to maintain and continue to live with our deeply held beliefs.

I am NOT talking about those people. Some of the greatest psychoanalysts, philosophers and leaders know that it requires a mental fortitude as though you are going into war to emerge on the other side. I read a book by Susan Forward PhD on Emotional Blackmail.

There are 6 “deadly symptoms” of this, as she likes to call it.

1. A demand

2. Resistance

3. Pressure

4. Threats

5. Compliance

6. Repetition

As she continues, you have a right to set limits you have a right to undue the behavior of compliance. You can also decide not to decide. To escape emotional blackmail the deadly 1-5 symptoms have to be eradicated so that symptom 6, is abolished.

I am educated enough to know that my experience through this Mass Psychosis war closely resembles the above, and I have to act accordingly. What would you do in a relationship that looked like this? For many, we would leave. However, having been there and having attachments that meant I couldn’t immediately escape the situation, I got familiarized with Stoicism and a stoic practice became my saving grace, until I got to the other side.

From Marcus Aurelius Meditations Book 4:

“People try to get away from it all-to the country, to the beach, to the mountains. You always wish that you could too. Which is idiotic; you can get away from it anytime you like. By going within. Nowhere you can go is more peaceful-more free of interruptions than your own soul. Especially if you have other things to rely on.”

“So remember this principle when something threatens to cause you pain: the thing itself was no misfortune at all; to endure it and prevail is good fortune.”

From Seneca Letters from a Stoic Letter XVIII

“But perhaps this is the very season when we should be keeping the soul under strict control, making it unique in abstaining from pleasure just when the crowd are all on pleasure bent…It is in times of security that the spirit should be preparing itself to deal with difficult times; while fortune is bestowing favours on it then is the time for it to be strengthened against her rebuffs.”


“Let us too overcome all things, with our reward consisting not in any wreath or garland, not in trumpet-calls for silence for the ceremonial proclamation of our name, but in moral worth, in strength of spirit, in a peace that was won for ever once in any contest fortune has been utterly defeated.”

Some of the most challenging times in my life have called for me to wake up to what was happening and then to train my brain to get through it. There will be a lot of effort to get through this Mass Psychosis. Many people will have to reframe their thinking to learn what and who to really trust. For any of this to change for us all, a new group-think will have to emerge to turn that tide.

In the meantime there are a few strategies I have employed to get me through:

Unfollowed news on YouTube and Podcasts

Why: I consume my news through other outlets. In a time like this, let television be an enjoyable experience. The same can be said for other mediums. Wherever you go to get your enjoyment experience, unfollow and remove those things crowding that experience especially if you get it other places. I have found other mediums to get news that is not being censored and has credible sources not utilizing opinions to “fact-check”. The constant barrage of what is happening is unhealthy. These places I go to for fun, to learn and to be entertained.

Deleted the Twitter App

While I still have twitter, the silencing of many well-respected intellectuals, experts and doctors has left me unmotivated to use the app.

Downsized my News Sources; This Is All I Will Read Now

The Epoch Times



Various People I follow on Instagram

Turned off all Notifications on my Phone

Stopped Discussing “The War” with Those on The Other Side

I don’t need anyone to fix me, convince or further coerce me into doing something they think is right. Freedom of choice says I respect you to make an informed decision on your own.

Standing My Ground

Disinvited to parties, fine with me.

Can’t shop your establishment, all good I will save my money.

If you feel like I am a threat to you and your circle of influence relays that information to me, expect me to distance myself.

I have no more energy for any level of discrimination during this Mass Psychosis War. When many people are becoming mentally ill as a result of this, you will seek and find those safe spaces to discuss in comfort. In a time like this I am getting quiet, finding places to enjoy my energy and being grateful for the places that are still left to enjoy without being reminded of “The War”.

If you are unwilling to allow anyone to control you in a relationship, why are you going to continue to allow it any other way? We are being called to forget what we know and follow what someone tells us is right, forgetting our moral ground, believing the television and people who have nothing but riches to gain. We are forgetting who we are and who created us…only the highest, God, set on our heart a knowing of what is right. This is the time to protect our sanity and move forward with mental fortitude knowing that we are not alone. Truth will always prevail.

This ends when we say it does. “Choose reason over mindlessness.”